A Place of Miniature Business
I tried a couple of new things for my birthday this year. I got some exercise and some blisters by going roller skating at Boston’s only roller skating rink — Chez Vous. Exercise, because I had forgotten that I’m getting older and I’m not as spry as I was in my youth. and Blisters because the rentals skates have been worn by many a person before myself. But even with that, it was a fun time and I got to feel younger that I actually am.
Another “sport” I tried for my birthday was some indoor miniature golf. I went to a local Monster Golf and tried to shine under the black lights. It was pretty good other than the weird way that all the greens were interconnected.
But when I got home, I learned that for the low low price of $140,000.00 I could have my very own black light miniature golf course. Sweet! But the amazing income of $3 a month for a blog, doesn’t allow one to buy such extravagances. So for now, I must stick to the day job.
Finally, a week ago, I said I was giving away a copy of Baseball Prospectus’s new Guide to the 2008 Baseball Season. Well that time has come. Using the exciting random method of visiting Random.org and getting a number between 2 and 10 (the comments that are not mine on my post). The winner is The U. Who you may know from being a sports trivia genius over at Chuck Sports.