For Love Or Money
A friend of mine bought a special package of tickets for this basketball season – games 2 and 7 of any Celtics playoff series. So far, it’s worked out remarkably well for him.
I was watching the final game of the Detroit/Boston series with him at a bar on Friday and the subject came up, as these things sometimes do. “It must be tough,” I said. “You want the Celtics to win, but you wouldn’t mind if it goes seven games.”
“Actually, I want it to go to seven games,” my friend said. Before my jaw could properly gape, he added, “I would then sell my two tickets for ten thousand dollars.”
I can’t fault his math. If anything, $10,000 for two tickets to game 7 of the first Celtics title shot in twenty years falls on the conservative side. But is this the behavior of a true fan?
On the one hand, you’ve got the die-hards who’d insist on being there, in the sweat and din and stink of it, screaming themselves hoarse at the Garden as Paul Pierce bricked yet another layup. Having been to a few dire close games on the college level, I can only imagine how much the intensity ratchets up on the pro level. That’s a game to make sure you hit.
On the other hand, you could only share that experience with, at most, one other person and a row full of strangers. Choosing the friend you take could spark any number of bitter rivalries. How about this: take the $10,000 you get for your Game 7 tickets, spend $500 on a keg and catering, and invite 20 of your friends over to watch the game. I guarantee you’d have a good time.
I put it to you, Nerds on Sports Readers: if you had 2 tickets to the game of the decade, would you give them up for $10,000? How about $50,000? $200,000? A cool $1,000,000? What’s the price of your fandom?