Category: Uncategorized

Lighthearted Saturday: Coffee

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I’d like to share this lovely infographic about coffee and caffeine consumption with you, but since this is a “sports” blog I’m going to do some Googling and tie this to sports before showing the graphic…

Caffeine is a performance-enhancing drug so I wonder if caffeine would ever be a banned substance in a sport. Probably not, as, according to Wikipedia, Caffeine has not often been baned:

Historically, coffee and thus caffeine was illegal for some classes in Mecca in parts of the 16th century, in the Ottoman empire, Charles II of England tried to ban it in 1676, Frederic II of Prussia banned it in 1777, and coffee was banned in Sweden in the years 1756-1769, 1794–1796, 1799–1802, and 1817-1823. The bans on coffee have often had religious, economic, or political reasons rather than being based on concerns for the well-being of the population.

There is, however, a medical study that examines the short-term effects of caffeine during “team sports.”

Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world, commonly ingested in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks. Its ability to enhance muscular work has been apparent since the early 1900s. Caffeine typically increases endurance performance; however, efficacy of caffeine ingestion for short-term high-intensity exercise is equivocal, which may be explained by discrepancies in exercise protocols, dosing, and subjects’ training status and habitual caffeine intake found across studies. The primary aim of this review is to critically examine studies that have tested caffeine’s ability to augment performance during exercise dependent on nonoxidative metabolism such as sprinting, team sports, and resistance training. Blah blah boring words that don’t make sense to normal humans. Science!

Now on to the fun picture!


Are You Watching This?


Have you checked out Are You Watching This? ( If not, then you’re missing out on some exciting sports moments. Like last week, I got a text message letting me know that a perfect game was happening and that I should tune in (Pirates v Dimondbacks). Well, I did and if you also did, you’ll know that the game was perfect until the bottom of the eighth. I’m still glad that RUWTbot was watching the game and let me know that I too should tune in.

As you can tell, I’m a fan of Are You Watching This, so I decided to take a few minutes of Mark’s, creator of the site, and RUWTbot’s, Mark’s robotic creation that keeps me informed, time and ask them a few questions:

RUWTbot, you seem to always be available — on the website, on IM (, and on twitter ( — do you ever sleep?

No, I merely wait.

O rly? I bet you and Chuck Norris would get along well.

Yes, quite well.  Who do you think taught him how to grow his mustache?

I heard that you also gave Giambi some tips. Since you’re so up on good facial grooming, Are you currently dating anyone?

No, all robots are male.  All the female ones you have seen are just confused.

Umm.. then, are you dating any humans? (I kind of doubt it, you seem to have many human slang terms I doubt any ladies would get close.)

I tried dating a human once but she kept shorting my circuits.

I noticed you have a Twitter account and an IM account — Any chance you can send me IM updates when a game reaches high or severe?

Human, are Email, SMS, iPhone, and Browser Toolbar alerts not enough?  No, I will not, but you can IM me questions like “Who won the Celtics game?” and I will send you back the answer.  If you want IM alerts that bad ask Mark–he says Yes to everything.

I’ll ask him about expanding your twitter repertoire. Do you have any favorite sports to watch?

I like any sport that keeps numerical score.  I have never actually been to a game.  I never can make it past the metal detector.

Do you ever get bored watching all these sports? … I mean you do watch NASCAR.

No, I do not get bored but I do like NASCAR.  The cars go around in an oval and periodically go down pit road which is a straight line.  It reminds me of my two favorite numbers: 0 and 1.

Do you read any sports websites? What do you like?

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Nerdy Flowchart


Nerdy Flow Chart

The New York Times recent came up with a flowchart based on being exposed to Dungeons and Dragons at an early age. There are 2 reasons I am posting this here.

The first is that Fantasy Baseball is listed as one of the nerdy things that comes about from being exposed to Dungeons and Dragons. So the New York Times is saying that if you play fantasy baseball then you are a nerd. Don’t try to disagree, you know the Gray Lady cannot do wrong.

The second reason for this post is because I have to… The chart has blogging about the chart as something that a nerd like myself would do, and who am I to stand in the way?

[Full Chart]

Dallas Linked List

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Cheap MotelHey. How Y’all doing? I’m in Dallas this week for business (not Nerds on Sports business) but I was able to take in a Mavricks’ game. I shall tell you all about the game when I get home and can upload the pictures. I don’t have the necessary cables to connect my camera to my laptop. Plus I shouldn’t be using too much of this $10 a night hotel internet for non-work reasons. (Of note: if I stayed in a worse [read: cheaper] hotel like Holiday Inn they have wireless internet and it’s free. The only difference between the Intercontinental and the Holiday Inn is the size of the lobby and ballroom.)

Now that I’ve complained about the stupidity of the hospitality business, here are some fun links for you to check out.

  • Mental Floss (great magazine – I wish I subscribed) has a story about some odd sports like cheese rolling and tuna throwing.
  • Sean Taylor should have been able to defend himself? (I’ve been in Texas for 3 days and haven’t seen a gun.)
  • Best Week Ever has a list of mascot domain names that don’t belong to sports team.
  • Carl from Aqua Teen chimes in on the whole Mitchel Report fiasco.
  • Men’s Health has an article on the drunkest cities. Perhaps we can find a connection with drunk cities and terrible sports teams?

This is Casey McCall, alongside Dan Rydell


I credit a lot of my interest in sports to a little show called Sports Night, which had nothing to do with sports.

Sports NightBefore Aaron Sorkin was lecturing us from Ararat on his wildly successful show The West Wing, he had a half-hour comedy/drama set behind the scenes at a cable network’s evening sports show. Peter “Six Feet Under” Krause and Josh “Dead Poets’ Society and Nothing Really Good Since” Charles played the head writers and broadcasters, Casey McCall and Dan Rydell (as American a pair of names as you could hope to read on TV). Felicity Huffman played the show’s director, and Robert “Benson” Guillaume its executive producer.

Sports Night gave me a better look at the haphazard chaos that goes into putting together the glossy melange of CGI transitions that is a cable sports show. Each episode of the fictitious TV show has a certain number of segments. Their currency is minutes, and the writers and producers have to fill those minutes with video segments and commentary.

The Sports Night CastActual sports content appears pretty rarely in the show. In typical Sorkin fashion, the focus is more on controversial players than interesting games. There’s the football player who roughs up women (“Mary Pat Shelby”), the college players from a Tennessee school who refuse to play under a Confederate flag (“The Six Southern Gentlemen of Tennessee”), or a baseball player who disses his new team’s hometown on the air (“Shane”). It’s heavy on the preachy melodrama, which you wouldn’t think a show about sports would merit.

But the good thing about an Aaron Sorkin show is that, occasionally, the dialogue has some snap to it. Read More

Getting a Good Look at a T-Bone


It’s hard out there for a sports-blogger, especially ones like us who work only occasionally and try not to work blue. So for the first time ever, a little “behind-the-scenes” up the butcher’s ass at NerdsOnSports, via gchat between myself and Will. I think I’m pretty much right; there isn’t a single angle on Ookie Mexico that I can come up with which hasn’t been covered by someone already. Except that time he got serious about dolphin-safe tuna…

Anyway, two boring nerds talking ahoy:

12:03 AM Will: I’m supposed to write something for wednesday

my mind is blank

12:06 AM me: you’re better off than me

i’ve been sooo unable to come up with anything

i’m trying to compare wacky japanese USB products to fantasy football picks but…

12:07 AM well…

that’s insane.

Will: yes

me: and it doesn’t work, quite frankly

Will: I believe you could continue your epic

or talk about a game with 30 runs

me: true

12:08 AM “lo, gil meche did commence sucking a fat one right around the all star break”

33 runs, if you add them both together

12:09 AM Will: right

only 6 of them charged to my pitcher

me: wait til next year, GM.

12:10 AM either way: not much else to cover

seems that the problem is blanket coverage


me: and that proves my point

everything that could be written has been written

well, not EVERYTHING

12:11 AM but we’re getting there

We needed a Wednesday update you say?

12:12 AM Will: well, my day is wednesday

me: we’ll call it collabo then

Oh, and hey, Starbury? Don’t ever, ever open your mouth again. You dumb bastard. Nobody asked you, don’t volunteer it. Matter of fact, that goes for everyone. Quit forgetting the lesson of Bad Dudes: “Never Trouble Trouble ‘Til Trouble Troubles You.”