Tag: Blitz Top Teams

Blitz’s Week 2 Rankings


Matty IceMost sites’ rankings follow a reader’s logical expectations. I’ve started this whole ranking thing, so every week I would come back and update the rankings. Well, that’s not what I’m going to do. If you want to see who I generally think are the best teams in the league, look at my previous rankings. Today, I’m going to go through the bottom of the league.

(If you want to know my thoughts about the top teams, its Pats 1, Colts 2, I leave 3 empty to show the gap between those two and the rest of the league, Dallas cracks my top 5)

The Matt “Matt-y Ice” Ryan Sweepstakes

1. Atlanta Falcons – Remember when they were the doormat of the league, then the player-who-we-can’t-name took over the team, cured all of their woes and made them into an NFC contender. Well, that guy’s gone and the doormat is back. If you are Bobby Petrino, you have to be disappointed with the situation you now face, but also happy that you weren’t the guy that let Kentucky beat The ‘Ville last week. I’ve lived in Louisville and that rivalry is very fierce inside the state. Back to the Falcons, how messed up a team are you that you give Byron Leftwich a try-out the week after his old team beats you? If you had any desire to sign him in the near future, you have to sign him the week before you play the Jags. Maybe you get information from him, maybe you don’t but at least it gives Jack Del Rio something to think about other than his next killer suit. Read More

Blitz’s Week 1 Rankings

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The Blitz’s Top Teams:

  1. The New England Patriots. Hello, they cheat! I will always pick the team willing to cheat to win over the guys who play fair. .
  2. San Diego Super Chargers. They played the Bears game for 60 minutes and still looked dominant. The Norv Turner honeymoon will last at least until Sunday night.
  3. Indianapolis Colts. Let’s wait until they beat a team that wasn’t a perennial doormat until last year before we crown ’em.
  4. Denver Broncos. If Cutler can get his feet under him quickly and play to his potential, that defense will let him win a lot of games this year.
  5. Cincinnati Bengals. They didn’t play well on Monday but I like this team.
  6. Pittsburgh Steelers. This is the most over-hyped team this week. Cleveland was so bad they traded their Week 1 starting quarterback before Week 2. That’s historically bad.
  7. Tennessee Titans. Say Hello to the new Atlanta Falcons. Playing Michael Vick will be V. Young, playing Warrick Dunn will be Chris Brown, and playing T.J. Duckett will be LenDale White. Scary running attack.
  8. Baltimore Ravens. They’ve got offensive issues. If they’re not 4-4 or better by Week 9, watch for this defense to get tired of keeping this team at championship level and give up.
  9. Any NFC contender. Yeah, that’s how good the AFC is right now. I’ll take the Ravens over the Bears, Saints, Panthers, or any NFC East team.

Blitz’s Lock of the Week (which may not run every week)

New Orleans (-3) over TAMPA BAY. New Orleans will have had ten days to think about their Hoosier State whooping. Plus, the Bucos are bad offensively and they play the same Cover-2/Tampa-2 defense that Indy played against New Orleans last week. Think Payton and Co. will be able to figure out their offensive issues and adjust to whatever worked for Indy defensively? I sure do.